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How to Access The Student Library

members only Feb 10, 2021
How to Access  The Student Library

If you’re having trouble accessing your student library or you’re not sure where you can find it, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re gonna go through the possible scenarios you are in right now and based our steps on those.

Initially, after purchasing the online course, you get redirected to a sign up sheet where you are asked to create your login information. That page looked like this:

If you remember the details you typed in (especially the password section), then you only need that to log in to the student library. And human as we are, we tend to forget, you don't need to worry because we'll tackle how you can get access without waiting on anyone to get back to you in this same article.

Here are the things tackled in this article:

  • Where to find the student library (You have your login information)
  • How to reset your password (In case you forgot your password)

Where To Find The Student Library
(You have your login information)


  1. Click this link to access the login page -
  2. Login using the correct details you set up when your purchased the course.
  3. Input the email you used to purchase the course and the password 
  4. This would automatically take you the Student Library. (See what that looks like below)


How To Reset Your Password
(In case you forgot your password)

  1. Go to this login link:
  2. At the bottom of the login box, click on the forgot password section.

  3. Input the email address you used to sign up for your account.

  4. Click on the Send Recovery Info button and you should be receiving the email in your inbox to let you change your password.

  5. Go back to this link and input your email and the new password you just created:
  6. You should be redirected straight to the Student Library.
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