Book Appointment with Asia

Ever Wonder What Your Animal Companion Is Thinking?

Your animal companion really can talk to you... If you know how to listen!

In this FREE e-book, I'll share with you the things I've learned after talking to tens of thousands of animals over the past 18 years so you too can understand your pets needs and have a more fulfilling relationship with them.

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Are You Ready To Connect With Your Pet

Is your cat peeing in the house, or your dog barking whenever you’re away?

Many common problems like this are attributed to “anxiety,” or “territorial behavior,” and are assumed to be natural.

Not necessarily.

Most of the time, your pet is trying to tell you something in the only way they know how. Once you know the reason why your pet is acting out, you can address the underlying issue. Remember, our pets don’t always tell us what we want to hear – but they’ll tell us honestly and with love.

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When You Get This Free E-book You'll Learn:

The 4 Steps To Communicating
With Your Animal Companion

How To Stop Your Animal Companion's Naughty and Defiant Behaviors

Ways To Connect With Your Animal Companion and Find Out Their Deepest Desires

Get Your Free Copy Now!


As far back as I can remember I’ve been able to communicate with animals. When I realized that other people didn’t “do that”… that I was “different”… I blocked out my ability for many years. It was only after barely surviving an explosive car crash that I remembered to speak with animals…and allowed them to help me through an excruciating recovery.  

Having the aid of your animal companions, who know you better than anyone and want so much to help you, can guide you through life’s challenges. Each of us has the ability to talk with animals.

Most people come to me because they see a problem with their pet, like a dog that’s barely eating, or a horse that’s become very anxious. When I suggest that the problem may actually lie with the person, I usually get a surprised reaction. Animals often take on their person’s issues, and may manifest them in self-destructive behaviors.  

Our animal companions trust us, and know us deeply. They want to help. I’ve helped hundreds of clients to understand their animals better, and strengthen this wonderful bond.


Melissa Mattern

"Asia, I will ALWAYS take classes from you, Asia - you will remain a valuable mentor and teacher and to remain sharp and focused your teaching is essential for me. I have taken some wonderful classes this year and worked with talented folks but I always come home to Asia and the community you have created."


Kim Coley

"You are one of a few very beautifully authentic empaths I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with. Love you to pieces!"

Director of Insight Events USA

Lynne Sheridan

"Asia, It takes someone with a depth of love for the world to hear the voices of all beings with absolute have that depth of love and can hear what is being said as well as the yearnings, sadness and fear all going unsaid - by all beings. Thank you for listening and responding to the call. You are an amazing and gifted teacher."

Transformational Coach and co-leader with WorldWorks Inc.